Sunday, August 30, 2009

missing the play time

entering the 4th week of school soon but i have not got back my study momentum yet. i am still missing the play time during the holidays. exploring japan, travelling to taiwan and trying to catch up with old friends. i guess i am more in control of my schedule back then as compared to now. sorry, i cant make it because i have class. dont you just hate hearing this?

quick! accept the fact the school HAS STARTED long ago.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

when i grow old, i wish i have many wonderful stories to tell my grandchildren. i wish i would never say i had worked and slogged my life away. i dont need an extraordinary one to be special. i wish to accomplish something in life, which i would be damn proud of.

not forgetting to mention this 12 years long friend to them. i find our friendship simply magical. we have known each other for more than a decade. although there are geographical difficulties at some point in time and we dont usually hang up everyday when you are back in spore, you are the one of the few people whom i can talk about my future with. i can allow my imagination to run wild and picture myself in every impossible situations because i know you would be the last person to make judgment on me. even though it maybe silly, we will just laugh it off.

love staying indoors in an air-conditioned and less crowded cafe and just chat. but i love even more your company. thanks babe and continue to laugh your head off at karen is so dumb karen is so dumb photo. anyway, we must be both tipsy when we took that shot.